The Chess Haven

Be Fascinated with this Board Game!
Learn to Play Chess
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Hello and welcome to The Chess Haven. This is the place to find a little bit of everything related to the wonderful and fascinating world of chess.
Chess is the game of kings and the king of games. No other game has ever surpassed the popularity and longevity of this great sport/art/science. It has survived literally thousands of years, captivating the minds of people all over the world.

Many people have a lot of misconceptions about chess, which are sponsored by the mass media. Ideas such as:

1) Chess is for nerds
2) Chess is not competitive
3) Chess is hard to learn
4) You have to be a genius to play well

Well, all four of these ideas are totally false and proving this is a major component of the mission of The Chesshaven.

So YOU want to learn chess, huh? Well, you came to the right spot. In this section I will deal with the absolute core knowledge needed to play. It is strongly recommended that you buy a chess set and board ($5-$10).
The Chess Board
The chessboard is made of 64 squares, half of them dark, and half of them light. When you are ready to play a game with someone (after this tutorial), make sure that you set the board up so a LIGHT square is always in the right-lower corner for BOTH players. 

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